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Ebony Allen-Ankins

Threads of a Homebirth Transfer

Ebony Allen-Ankins

The Spectrum

sara avila


Katie Lacer

An Intimate Connection

Martha Kong

The Waiting Game

Madison Swann

Into Our Hands

Madison Swann


Natalie Broders

The Lovers After

Cindy Willems

Sister and Brother & Love at first sight

Emily Santi

When The Sun Rises in the Morning / When the long night turns to morning, there is a sense of dread, defeat. "Why isn't my baby here, yet?" She says. "They are on their way," the team responds. But, we don't really know when. There is no way to really reassure her that her labor is almost over. All we can do is hold that space of desperation, with love.

Kathleen Van Vaerenbergh

Cosmic birth

Beth Lindsay

Ring of fire

Mikaela Rossi

Patiently guiding

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